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Get more from today and the future

Hägglunds means peace of mind, throughout your drive’s lifetime. Whether aiding you on site, supporting you with application knowledge or using connectivity like Hägglunds CMp to keep your drive healthy, our experts are at your side. Locally or globally, physically or digitally, we go the distance to take you further.

Our vast service portfolio has everything you need to protect and enhance your Hägglunds investment. From modernizing to maximizing service life – here you’ll find sustainable solutions for your drive and business.



Hägglunds Original Service

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Service contacts

Region Country Hägglunds Field Service After Hours Web or Email
Europe North Sweden +46 (0)8­7279200 +46 660­87200 https://www.boschrexroth.se/
Denmark +45 36349431 +45 36349494 DCDK.Service@boschrexroth.dk
Norway +47 64 86 41 00 +47 64 86 94 82 https://www.boschrexroth.com/nb/no/service/startseite-rexroth-service
Finland +358 10 3441 000 https://www.boschrexroth.fi 
Benelux (NL)  +31 11 651 111 +31-11-651-111 https://www.boschrexroth.com/nl/nl/service/snel-contact-service-hotline/media-17
United Kingdom +44 07845 054171
Europe Middle Germany +49 23496639-151 or -150 +49 9352 405060 service@boschrexroth.de
Austria +43(7221)605-1391
Europe South Italy +39 (340) 1760235 https://www.boschrexroth.com/it/it/service/rexroth-service-1
France +33 6 74 35 01 62
Spain +34(659)441722
Europe East Poland +48 606134180
+48 600320790
Russia +7(495) 560-96-80 https://www.boschrexroth.com/ru/ru/contact_10/contact_50
Turkey +90(262)676-0100
India India +91(33)40020 153
ASEAN Oceania Australia 1800 Rexroth 
 + 61 1800 7397684 
Asia Indonesia +62 21 300 50 700
(JKT/ BPN Workshop)
Malaysia +60 378448000 CustomerSupport-MY@bosch.com
Singapore +65 6508 4128 CustomerSupport-SG@bosch.com
Thailand +66 38 958-832 RexrothCenter@th.bosch.com
Vietnam +84(28)6285-7396
Asia East China +86 21 2218-6634
+86 18019026320
Japan +81 045-540-2900
+81 455400471
South Korea +82(0)512600774
North America Canada +1 855 739 7684
USA +1(614)305-4955 +1(614)305-4999 hagglunds.service@boschrexroth-us.com
Mexico +52 442 195 6418
Ext. 104
+52 442 55 6200 7335
South America Colombia +57 316 4600 717
Chile +569 32383223
Chile, Antofagasta +569 4014 2857
Chile, Concepción +569 3238 3211
Chile, HQ Santiago +569 4014 2962
Argentina +00 57 911 5889 2671
Peru +51 989117471
Brazil +55(19)2103-0715
Africa South Africa + 27 82 9573813 or 
+ 27 11 4544933
+27 829573813


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